Moving house with kids: keeping little ones happy and yourself calm

Moving house is a significant event, and when children are involved, it can become even more challenging. However, with proper preparation and thoughtful strategies, you can ensure that the transition is smooth and stress-free for both you and your kids. Here are some top tips to help you navigate moving house with little ones while keeping everyone happy and calm.

Moving house with kids: the run-up

Communicate clearly

Talk about the move with your children as soon as the decision is made. Explain why you are moving house and what they can expect. Use age-appropriate language and give them the chance to ask questions and express their feelings. Reassure them that it’s ok to feel a mix of emotions, from excitement to sadness or anxiety.

Plan ahead

Create a detailed plan in advance. List tasks and items that’ll be moved, set timelines and work out where you can bring in help from other family members or friends. At this stage it’s worth considering if your children will be better off staying with you when you move, or spending the moving day with trusted friends or family instead.

Bring in the professionals

Book a professional removals team and consider a packing service too. As well as reducing the physical and mental strain of moving, and making it much more likely everything will go off without a hitch, hiring removals allows you to focus on your children and spend more time with them during the moving process rather than doing the heavy lifting – literally.

Visit the new home and area

If possible, take your children to visit their new home before moving, and explore the new neighbourhood together too. Show them local parks, schools and fun places for them to get excited about. Demystifying their new environment can reduce their anxiety and help them to see the move as a positive thing.

Get the kids involved

Give your children a sense of control by involving them in the moving process. Let them help with packing their own things and choosing new room colours. This involvement can make the move feel more like an exciting adventure rather than a disruption or something to fear.

Moving house with kids: on the day

Keep to a routine

If your children will be with you on the day of the move, try to maintain a semblance of your daily routine, even though it will undoubtedly feel different. Try your best to keep meal times, nap times, and bed times consistent to provide a sense of stability and security.

Make a special moving-day box

Pack a box for each child with their favourite toys and snacks as well as the more practical things they’ll need for the first couple of nights, such as their favourite pyjamas or bedtime story. Having familiar items readily accessible can help kids feel more comfortable and at ease, as well as giving you reassurance that the essentials are close when needed.

Provide a safe space

Set up a child-friendly space in both your old house and new home where your children can play safely on moving day, away from the hustle and bustle. This will give them a place to relax and have fun while you focus on the logistics.

Take some breaks

Moving day will probably be busy and hectic, but factor in some time to take a breath, have a bite to eat and get some rest. As well as allowing you to be more present for your kids, it’ll also help you to manage your stress levels and maintain a positive attitude, which is crucial as your children will look to you for reassurance and calm.

Create a comfortable environment

Once at your new home, prioritise setting up your children’s rooms. Having their familiar items and a comfortable space can help them adjust more quickly. Involve them in unpacking and arranging things in their new room to give them a sense of ownership and control.

Contact Spire Removals today to arrange a stress-free move for you and your kids. 

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